Tips for buying hats

Why hats are so popular
The influence of hat basic structure drawing on hat processing

Many people may not know that there are certain skills in choosing a hat. In order to make the face look less plump, you can choose a longer cap and asymmetric brim, which can increase the length of the face and appear three-dimensional. The octagonal hat is also suitable for women with round faces. The exaggerated brim will make people feel smaller. People with short necks should not choose colorful hats.

Those who have a clear eyebrow and a clear figure can choose hats with more colorful or romantic colors.

For those with flat facial features, when wearing a mushroom-shaped artist hat, don’t put all your hair into the hat, and a little fringe can make your face look smaller.

Generally speaking, wearing a hat slightly above the eyebrows will be very attractive, but people with short faces can wear the hat slightly backwards, while friends with round faces or large faces can wear the hat sideways. The effect of reducing face shape.

Hat & Skin Tone

People with rosy complexion have a wide range of colors to choose a hat and can coordinate with many colors.

People with gray skin tone are suitable for intermediate colors with low purity, such as jade white, stone green, light blue, brown, lilac, etc. Don’t choose gorgeous colors.

For people with white skin, there are more colors available for hats, but because white skin is easy to give people a sense of weakness, when choosing a hat, you should avoid choosing a white or nearly white color.

Dark-skinned people should pay attention to the overall effect of clothing when choosing brightly colored hats.

People with yellow skin should not wear yellow and green hats, but if a dark brown, purple lotus, crab blue, beige gray and other hats are properly matched with clothing, better results can also be achieved.

Hat and body

The tall hat should not be too large or small, otherwise it will give people a light weight.

Skinny people should have small hats but not large ones, otherwise they will feel heavy.

Short women should not wear flat-top wide-brimmed hats, and tall women should not wear tall hats.

Choose the strength of the hat and avoid the weaknesses. You must wear it properly and make others look good.

As for petite people, if they can choose a hat that is similar in color to their clothes, and let the upper and lower body colors be similar or echo each other, there will be an effect of lengthening the figure. Tips for buying round-faced hats


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